Those were the days.....
August 23, 2003 / 1:16 A.M.
then / now

Here's a song that for all my dearest friend, those who really care me and stay with me all the time and holding my hands when i need them...thanks so much!!!Even maybe I am not that good enough, but you are still there for me, supporting me all the time. I really want to say "Thank You" to all of you.


Once upon a time there was a taven

�@Where we use to raise a glass or two

�@Remember how we laughed away the hours

�@And dreamed of all the great things we would do

Those were the days my friend

�@We though we never end

�@We'd sing and dance forever and a day

�@We'd live the life we chose

�@We'd fight and never lose

�@For we were young and sure to have our way

�@Then the busy years went rushing by us

�@We lost our starry notions on the way

�@If by chance I'd see you in the taven

�@We'd smile at one another and we'd say

�@Just tonight I stood before the taven

�@Nothing seemed the way it used to be

�@In the glass I saw a strange reflection

�@Was that lonely fellow really me

�@Through the door there come familiar laughter

�@I saw your face and heard you call my name

�@Oh my friends we're older but no riser

�@For in our hearts the dreams are still the same


No matter what will happen in the future, I just hope that "We will be friends forever!!" ^_^

five previous entries

�Äe�ط� - July 01, 2007

Carry on till tomorrow... - May 19, 2006

�挦ȥ����...�������Q�� - October 04, 2005

���ѦA���E?! - September 18, 2005

�����漚С - September 18, 2005

then / now

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